Itogon Foundation DAY
Itogon foundation day is a celebration every month of November, and is being called Kintoman Festival or Balitok Festival, depending on what is being celebrated. It commemorates the foundation day of the Municipality, showcasing the traditional dance of its different tribes. It is also when the search for Miss and Mister Itogon – Benguet is being held, and has been the center of the Festival / event.
follow page to keep posted:
Ms. Itogon
Mr. & Ms. Itogon – Benguet

Colos Festival
Usually held every 2nd week of February, at Barangay Tinongdan. A thanksgiving festival highlighting the unique culture and traditions of the three main tribes: Ibaloi, Kalanguya and Iowak. It features the traditional ritual of pig catching and butchering, followed by cultural shows ,dance, music ,contests and cooking of indigenous food as well

PaEDENG Festival
Usually held every 2nd week o March at Barangay. Dalupirip. It covers competitions related to fishing, cooking of Paedeng (native species of fish), and poster making.
Ampucao Baranagay Fiesta – usually held in the month of January.
Tuding & Itogon Barangay Fiesta – celebrated in April.
Municipal Indigenous People Celebration – celebrated on the 29th of October.
Ucab & Virac Barangay Fiesta – both celebrated in November.