We invite you to join us in this momentous event by placing an advertisement of your firm / office or any personal message or other information you wish to convey to the public through the souvenir program.
We would appreciate having your advertisement and layout as well as your payments on or before October 15, 2024. However, should you wish to send us your layouts via email, kindly send them to itogonsouvenir@gmail.com, the official e-mail address of the Program, Invitation and Promotions Committee.
Advertising Rates:
- Full Page – Php 4,000.00
- Half Page – Php 2,000.00
- 1/4 Page – Php 1000.00
- Line Advertisement – Php 500.00
For Online Payment, payments may be sent to GCash Account No: 0927-296-0466, under the name of M*****e A. Please send proof of payments to itogonsouvenir@gmail.com or at FB Account PIO-Itogon. For check payment, please make check payable to: The Municipal Treasurer, Itogon, Benguet.